Private student loans for every type of student
Get the student loan with options, offering fixed or variable rates, and no payments during schoolfootnote 1
Fixed rates:
3.49% APR
to 15.49% APRfootnote 1
Variable rates:
4.54% APR
to 14.71% APRfootnote 1
Lowest rates shown include the auto debit discount.footnote 1 Only the most creditworthy applicants who choose the interest repayment option may receive the lowest rate.
Whether you're studying online or on campus, get the money you need for college—and multiple repayment options.
Cosign a loan to help your student
If you cosign your student's undergraduate loan application, their chances of being approved may increase! A cosigner is usually a parent, but can be any adult with good credit.
Going to graduate school?
Learn about our suite of specialized graduate loans with options for all disciplines.
For degree-granting institutions
Apply online for your undergraduate loan now. It's fast and easy.
Fill out some basic information and find out how much you qualify to borrow in just minutes.